Children Adolescent to Parent Harmful Behaviour (CAPHB) Awareness Training

Date & Time:

Monday 17 March 2025 (10.00 - 13.00)

Tell me about future dates of this event


In Person - Venue TBC,


This training is designed for practitioners who have an interest in Children/Adolescent to Parent Harmful
Behaviour (CAPHB), and want to respond more effectively when working with affected Children/Young People and their families.

The main focus is on Child/Adolescent to Parent Harmful Behaviour, establishing common ground in our understanding, thinking about what look out for and how best respond support families faced with these dynamics.

We will also think of effective ways to respond and share our knowledge, making it accessible others hopefully become a fantastic resource support other colleagues, or families we might be working with in various roles.

By the end of training you will…

  • Define CAPHB,
  • List the signs of CAPHB,
  • Describes some of the reasons why children display harmful behaviour towards their, parents, carers and other family members,  
  • Explain Adultification and its impact on the Child and Practice.
  • Demonstrate the multi-agency Safeguarding Children response to CAPHB


Please note that this training will take place in-person.

The session will be led by:


Hilda Mwangi (M-w-aa-ng-ih)

Specialist Social Worker

Merton Social Work Academy


Anna Sugarman

Highly Specialist Systemic Family Psychotherapist

Merton CAMHS in Social Care Team


Vivienne Williams

CAPHB Learning and Development Co-ordinator

This training is aimed at Level 2/ Groups  2-3 (Inter Collegiate Levels 2-3). For more information, please see the London Competency Framework linked here.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Vivienne Williams

Venue Details:

In Person - Venue TBC,